Adrián Soto Puentes es Ingeniero en Alimentos de la UNICIT, Diplomado en Estudios Internacionales UE e Integración Regional por el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y es Magister en Gestión Tecnológica de la Universidad de Talca. Cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el sistema nacional de innovación con foco en el sector de los alimentos, conociendo sus brechas competitivas y trabajando en proyectos en los cuales se busca superarlas.
En el año 2004 se incorpora a una importante empresa agroindustrial chilena, en donde sus principales funciones están la supervisión de la producción y la calidad de los productos elaborados.
A partir del año 2007 se integra al Departamento de Alimentos de la Fundación Empresarial EuroChile, siendo responsable de la gestión de proyectos nacionales e internacionales relativos al desarrollo de I+D+i asociativo, la internacionalización de Pymes y el desarrollo de capacidades competitivas (diferenciación por calidad, valor agregado, innovación, etc.). En estos ámbitos lidera importantes proyectos e iniciativas.
Desde el año 2009 al presente desarrolla diversas consultorías nacionales e internacionales relacionadas a la cadena alimentaria, la calidad, sistemas de alerta, estudios de mercado, modelos de transferencia tecnológica, entre otros.
En el año 2011 se integra como asesor independiente a la Federación Gremial Nacional de Productores de Frutas de Chile, FEDEFRUTA F.G., donde coordina destacados proyectos hortofrutícolas en diferentes regiones del país. El mismo año, apoya la gestión de proyectos con M&R Chile, proyectos que buscan el fomento de la cultura emprendedora e innovadora en distintos rubros.
Por estas actividades, tiene estrecha relación con el sector público y privado del país, además de Universidades y Centros Tecnológicos relacionados a la Industria de Alimentos en general, como redes internacionales de trabajo, principalmente en América Latina y Europa.
Actualmente, forma parte del equipo de M&R Chile, participando en el diseño y ejecución de proyectos de emprendimiento y desarrollo regional.
Adrian Soto Puenes has an Engineer´s Degree in Aliments of Iberamerican University of Science and Technology, Bachelor´s Degree in International Studies of EU and Regional Integration of International Studies Institute of the University of Chile and Master´s Degree in Technological Management of the University of Talca. Has huge experience in national innovation system with focus in alimentation sector, where he knows its competitive breaches and works in projects dedicated to overcome them.
In 2004 he entered in an important Chilean agribusiness company, where he supervised production and quality of the products.
From 2007 he begins to work in Aliments Department of the Business Fund EuroChile, becoming responsible manager of national and international projects related to development of RDI, internationalization of SMEs and development of competitive competences (quality differentiation, added value, innovations, etc.). In these areas he led important projects and initiatives.
From 2009 till now developed various national and international consultancies that work in alimentation chain, quality, alert systems, market researches, technology transference models.
In 2011 he enters as an independent assessor in the National Professional Federation FEDEFRUTA F.G., where he coordinates various horticultural projects in different regions of the country. The same year contributes in projects of M&R Chile, projects that search for promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation culture in various areas.
He has close relationships with public and private sectors of the country, Universities and Technological Centers, related with Food industry, also with international work networks in Latin America and Europe.
Actually he forms part of the team of M&R Chile, participating in design and execution of projects of entrepreneurship and regional development.
Adrian Soto Puenes has an Engineer´s Degree in Aliments of Iberamerican University of Science and Technology, Bachelor´s Degree in International Studies of EU and Regional Integration of International Studies Institute of the University of Chile and Master´s Degree in Technological Management of the University of Talca. Has huge experience in national innovation system with focus in alimentation sector, where he knows its competitive breaches and works in projects dedicated to overcome them.
In 2004 he entered in an important Chilean agribusiness company, where he supervised production and quality of the products.
From 2007 he begins to work in Aliments Department of the Business Fund EuroChile, becoming responsible manager of national and international projects related to development of RDI, internationalization of SMEs and development of competitive competences (quality differentiation, added value, innovations, etc.). In these areas he led important projects and initiatives.
From 2009 till now developed various national and international consultancies that work in alimentation chain, quality, alert systems, market researches, technology transference models.
In 2011 he enters as an independent assessor in the National Professional Federation FEDEFRUTA F.G., where he coordinates various horticultural projects in different regions of the country. The same year contributes in projects of M&R Chile, projects that search for promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation culture in various areas.
He has close relationships with public and private sectors of the country, Universities and Technological Centers, related with Food industry, also with international work networks in Latin America and Europe.
Actually he forms part of the team of M&R Chile, participating in design and execution of projects of entrepreneurship and regional development.
Adrian Soto Puenes has an Engineer´s Degree in Aliments of Iberamerican University of Science and Technology, Bachelor´s Degree in International Studies of EU and Regional Integration of International Studies Institute of the University of Chile and Master´s Degree in Technological Management of the University of Talca. Has huge experience in national innovation system with focus in alimentation sector, where he knows its competitive breaches and works in projects dedicated to overcome them.
In 2004 he entered in an important Chilean agribusiness company, where he supervised production and quality of the products.
From 2007 he begins to work in Aliments Department of the Business Fund EuroChile, becoming responsible manager of national and international projects related to development of RDI, internationalization of SMEs and development of competitive competences (quality differentiation, added value, innovations, etc.). In these areas he led important projects and initiatives.
From 2009 till now developed various national and international consultancies that work in alimentation chain, quality, alert systems, market researches, technology transference models.
In 2011 he enters as an independent assessor in the National Professional Federation FEDEFRUTA F.G., where he coordinates various horticultural projects in different regions of the country. The same year contributes in projects of M&R Chile, projects that search for promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation culture in various areas.
He has close relationships with public and private sectors of the country, Universities and Technological Centers, related with Food industry, also with international work networks in Latin America and Europe.
Actually he forms part of the team of M&R Chile, participating in design and execution of projects of entrepreneurship and regional development.